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The Wellheads
June 11, 2024

Achieve Immediate ROI with WellAware's Chemical Automation Solutions

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WellAware's cutting-edge automation technology and data-driven insights are revolutionizing operational efficiency in the chemical automation sector. Our solutions demonstrate strong, evidence-based return on investment (ROI), with thousands of units in the field showcasing daily success for our customers. Through a combination of labor optimization, fuel reduction, lower capital equipment costs, improved injection variance, and lower HSE exposure, our customers typically achieve an ROI of 3-5x or more with WellAware's platform within months.


Labor Optimization & Fuel Efficiency

WellAware’s platform leverages technology to streamline resource allocation and greatly reduces the need to manually adjust pump set points, pump calibration and check inventory levels. WellAware delivers immediate insights to field technicians on their mobile devices, allowing them to optimize their routes, troubleshoot remotely and minimize unnecessary site visits. The system automates setpoint changes and controls, enabling chemical service delivery teams to efficiently plan routes and tank fills. This results in the elimination of at least 2 to 5 trips per tank per month and an increase in chemical delivery efficiency of between 10% to 30% or more. The outcome is significant labor cost reduction and lower fuel expenses, driving substantial savings in operational expenses for our customers. It also gives back significant time in your team member’s schedules.


Reduced Vehicle and Equipment Capital Costs

WellAware’s technology allows service companies to serve 40%+ more customer locations without increasing vehicle and equipment costs. This scalability reduces capital expenditures, expensive vehicle leases, and insurance costs, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and profitability.


Improved Injection Variance

Manual checks for changing chemical injection pump setpoints often result in inefficient injections and up to 30% or more injection variance. This inefficiency can lead to asset integrity issues for oil, gas, and water asset operators and lost opportunities for chemical service providers. WellAware’s solution can also help identify power management issues which are a main contributor to missed target rates.

For customers operating chemical tanks with 1 gallon per day or more of chemical injection, WellAware recommends its Commander, pump controller, or Admiral, fully automated chemical injection system. This system enables automated setpoint changes in real-time, leveraging machine learning and data analytics to optimize all aspects of injection and pump control. The result is a proven 10% to 25% improvement in injection variance, leading to substantial chemical profit recovery for service providers and improved asset integrity (higher production, lower workover costs) for asset owners.


HSE Cost Reductions

By reducing the frequency of on-the-road fieldwork, WellAware’s platform decreases workplace accident risks, resulting in lower insurance premiums and savings from avoided incidents. Furthermore, our solutions support service companies in reducing their carbon footprint, aligning with sustainability goals and enhancing their environmental stewardship.


Cost vs Benefit Analysis – Less than 1 Month Payback

For less than the cost of a cup of coffee per day, WellAware’s automation platform delivers immediate results. Our solution provides immediate savings through labor optimization, fuel efficiency, improved injection variance, and HSE risk mitigation. Our customers gain a competitive edge through technology adoption, improved customer retention, enhanced customer experiences, and safer operations.

With over a decade of experience in perfecting oilfield chemical automation, WellAware is trusted to deliver unparalleled reliability, exceptional service, and superior customer experiences. Our solutions not only deliver strong, evidence-backed ROI but also ensure our customers stay ahead of the competition.


About WellAware

At WellAware, we specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions tailored for the oil and gas industry. Our technology empowers companies to monitor and manage assets and operations in real-time. This results in increased efficiency, enhanced safety measures, and sharper decision-making capabilities. With our solutions, companies can optimize the production processes, minimize downtime, and ensure full compliance with regulations. By harnessing data from sensors and various sources, we enable our customers to gain invaluable insights into their operations, empowering them to make informed decisions that drive success.


To learn more and receive a detailed report of how we can unlock ROI across your operations, contact us at https://info.wellaware.us/wellaware-contact-us.



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