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Greenfield IoT versus Brownfield IoT - Can you do both?

Large-scale industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) deployments tend to stall out and fail be...

Our Healthcare Industry Has Been There for Us, It's Time for Us to Pay it Back

“The bigger the challenge, the larger the opportunity it presents.”

American Business:  Time to Retool in Preparation for Reopening

As the government begins to rollout early communication on a “phased reopening plan” for t...

Rapid, Incremental Change is the Key to Digital Success

Industrial leaders use the Internet of Things (IoT) to change the way they do business. Th...

Remote Equipment Servicing at the Forefront in 2020

At WellAware, we understand how much value there is in having real-time access to high-res...

Tough Times Call for a Tougher Response

There is no denying that we are in the midst of an incredibly challenging season for U.S. ...

Why Remote Monitoring is Crucial for Employee Health & Safety

Whether in the office or at manufacturing sites and other production facilities, the healt...

The Overlooked Cost of Low Valued Assets

As the Chief Product Officer, I frequently speak with our customers about their business n...

A complex relationship between cybersecurity and productivity

Welcome to the last (but certainly not least) post of our industrial Internet of Things (I...

Industrial data structure should be optimized for search

When it comes to data structure, Google knows a thing or two. The tech giant basically str...

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