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Cameron Archer

Cameron Archer

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Posts by Cameron Archer

Why Oilfield Water Services Companies Should Automate

As we all know, water is critical for oil and gas well completions. According to the USGS,...

The 3 Types of Automation for Oilfield Water Management

It’s a good time to be an oilfield water services company. Oil prices have stabilized abov...

Oilfield chemicals companies have no choice but to automate

This blog is the final excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022.

Should you buy a submersible or external tank level sensor?

When you invest in tank level monitoring, perhaps the most critical question you have to a...

Oil and gas operators need better chemistry, faster

This blog is the seventh excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022. Each week, ...

Chemical field services need to become more efficient

This blog is the sixth excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022. Each week, we...

Oilfield chemical services companies must do more with less

This blog is the fifth excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022. Each week, we...

Data sharing becoming more important for oilfield chemical services

This blog is the fourth excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022. Each week, w...

Oilfield chemicals companies should pay attention to ESG

This blog is the third excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022. Each week, we...

Supply insecurity means slimmer margins for oilfield chemical vendors

This blog is the second excerpt from The State of Oilfield Chemicals in 2022. Each week, w...

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