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Cameron Archer

Cameron Archer

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Posts by Cameron Archer

Edge compute solves the industrial low-res data problem

Through our data problem series, we’ve covered several data challenges that industrial com...

Data silos isolate valuable data away from industrial teams

In the industrial space, data silos are everywhere. Many industrial companies today still ...

High latency networks are throttling industrial productivity

Another data issue in our series of Industrial IoT data problems is that of Latent Data. H...

Data from SCADA systems is incomplete

Continuing with our data problem blog series, we tackle the topic of incomplete data, anot...

Bad data from remote monitoring leads to bad decisions

Bad data collected by a remote monitoring system can wreak havoc on industrial organizatio...

How to monitor remote assets: Discover Missing Data

One of the biggest data challenges facing industrial companies trying to learn how to moni...

The 10 Data Problems that Plague Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the world in many ways. Smart devices, machin...

Selecting an industrial monitoring system for compliance

Compliance managers, site superintendents, and engineering technicians are often responsib...

The California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal has a new name

As a result of new state legislation, Assembly Bill 1057, the division, which oversees and...

Chemical automation for the oil and gas industry doesn't always mean lower costs

Process automation is everywhere in the oil and gas industry. From emergency shutdowns to ...

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