WellAware Blog

Superior Data at a Lower Cost

Written by The Wellheads | 6/5/24 3:28 PM

Better Data, Better Results®: How WellAware's Automation Platform Transforms Energy and Oilfield Chemical Operations

In the evolving landscape of the energy sector, effective data management is not just a necessity—it's a competitive advantage. WellAware, an industry leader in energy and oilfield chemical optimization, has long recognized that the key to operational excellence lies in the quality of data and the efficiency of its use. This understanding has driven the development of our cutting-edge data automation platform, which redefines how businesses connect, inform, automate, optimize, and audit their assets and operations.

WellAware Connected Devices: Moving Beyond Data Collection

WellAware connected devices source data from real-world sensors measuring temperature, pressure, level, and much more which forms the backbone of operational safety and control. Traditional control system architectures like SCADA, DCS, and PLC systems measure a range of parameters critical for industrial and commercial operations. These also include temperature, pressure, flow rate, level, and others. While historically sufficient for safety and process control within DCS, PLC, and SCADA systems, this data often falls short due to issues of completeness, consistency, and accuracy. WellAware tackles these challenges right from the start—at the edge, which can help augment your existing DCS, PLC, and SCADA systems [need to be careful not to alienate SCADA… don’t want to make people think that we don’t support SCADA]

Intelligent Edge Data Capture: High-Quality Data Starts Here

Our edge device ensures the secure delivery of high-quality and high-fidelity data directly to verified and authorized users. Designed to meet unique customer needs, our edge solutions pave the way for cost-effective, result-driven outcomes. These state-of-the-art devices are not only reliable and proven but also incorporate over-the-air updates to future-proof technological advancements, remote support, and ensure devices are kept up-to-date while customers continue to stay online and productive.





Comprehensive Solutions for Comprehensive Challenges

Our technology solution addresses the challenges inherent in navigating today's data-driven world. From ensuring data security at the edge to delivering actionable insights with precision, each component of our suite is meticulously crafted to seamlessly support customer’s data capture, integration, reporting, alerting and workflow requirements.


Secure Edge: Ensure data security with WellAware's solution, where data is securely captured, transmitted and managed from edge to endpoint.


Processed Data: Benefit from data that is structured and optimized for actionable insights, driving informed decision-making.


Identified Insights: Gain valuable insights through identified data patterns and trends, empowering proactive strategies and optimizations.


High-Resolution Monitoring: Monitor assets and operations in high resolution, capturing detailed information for thorough analysis and precise action.


Bi-directional Communication: Enjoy bi-directional communication, enabling real-time responsiveness, remote support and rapid decision-making.


Complete Data Coverage: Access comprehensive data coverage, ensuring no gaps in information with store and forward capability while facilitating comprehensive analysis.


Accurate Reporting: Rely on accurate reporting with WellAware's solution, providing precise data for confident decision-making, regulatory compliance and vendor transparency.


Location-Aware Data: Harness location-aware data, enabling contextual insights and targeted actions tailored to specific operational zones.

Experience the Power of Automation with WellAware

WellAware's automation platform, allows businesses in the energy and oilfield chemical sectors to unlock new levels of operational efficiency, cost savings, and excellence. The promise of better data leading to better results isn't just a tagline—it's a reality that our customers live every day.

Embrace the future of energy and chemical automation with WellAware. Contact us today to discover how our solutions can revolutionize your operations. Join the ranks of those who have already seen substantial benefits from our innovative approach.


About WellAware

At WellAware, we specialize in providing an end to end technology platform tailored for the oil and gas industry [software or something else like end to end technology platform]. Our platform empowers companies to monitor and manage assets and operations in real-time. This results in increased efficiency, enhanced safety measures, and sharper decision-making capabilities. With our software, companies can optimize production processes, minimize downtime, and ensure regulatory compliance. By harnessing data from [sensors and various sources], we enable our customers to gain invaluable insights into their operations, empowering them to make informed decisions that drive results.